Warning: Inappropriate Law Firm Searching Website

It has come to our attention that a website by the name of LAWFIRMS1 is displaying our firm’s website and article content as if it were content within their site, without our firm’s permission.

Numerous law firm websites are similarly displayed on this website, including the websites of our friends’ firms. Judging from this, We believe that this website is also reproducing content from other law firm websites without permission.

Our firm has not signed a contract with such a web advertising company and does not plan to do so in the future. It is possible that similar websites may emerge in the future.

When you access our law firm through such sites, risks exist, including the divulgence of your sensitive information.

When contacting our firm, please be sure to access the official address to contact us.


Published by

Kei Sumikawa

Attorney at Law (Sumikawa Law Office), Kawasaki city, Japan