Food-poisoning (Shoku-Chudoku)

sickRecently, all attorneys of our office were eating same things at the same restaurant, and unfortunately experienced food-poisoning.

We were eating Kushi-Age at a small restaurant. Two days after, we fell ill one after another, and were absent from work. It was likely to be the infection of Norovirus.

When you come down with food-poisoning when you were eating at a restaurant, the steps you should take are as below.

1) Go to the hospital and tell that it may be a food-poisoning (Shoku-Chudoku).
2) When the virus is found, call the health center (Hokensho) of your area. The hospital may call in behalf of you.

Then the health center will do the inspection at the restaurant, and if the same virus is found, the source of the food-poisoning is identified. Then, the restaurant is likely to refund you the money, and also they may have to pay you some compensation.

Fortunately, our attorneys all regained our health in 1 day.
Food-poisoning can also happen at your home, so we hope you all will keep your hands clean and stay in good health.

Lawyer Japan Office Time

Published by

Kei Sumikawa

Attorney at Law (Sumikawa Law Office), Kawasaki city, Japan